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Terminating Child Support: What Is An “emancipating Event?”

Although many issues are addressed during divorce litigation, there are often questions that come up after an agreement has been reached. One of the most common issues is when a parent no longer has to pay child support. Typically, a parent ceases to…

Not All Battles Are Fought In The Courtroom

Since the beginning of divorce in society, there have always been those seeking to keep the entire process as private as possible. Similarly, there are just as many parties who want the world to know everything, from the distribution of assets to custody…

Virtual Visitation: Parenting Time Online

Although parents often bemoan their children’s near-obsession with the latest technology, the younger generation’s fixation might be extremely useful for the parent that doesn’t have primary custody during a separation or divorce. Due to the prevalence and convenience of technology such as video…

Service Of Process: The New Kind Of Facebook Notification

New York litigants in Family Court may want to keep a cautious eye on their Facebook notifications from here on out. As of September 12, 2014, Facebook Messenger is the latest way in which a party may be served with court documents. On…



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