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Validez De Divorcios Extranjeros En NY

Dados los avances en el derecho de familia, ya no hay una solución de “talla única” para el divorcio. En particular, los divorcios extranjeros se han vuelto cada vez más comunes dado que pueden ser más baratos y resueltos más rápidamente. Antes de…

A Quien Le Toca Que En Nuestro Divorcio? Propiedad Marital Vs. Propiedad Separada

Cuando una pareja decide divorciarse, una de sus principales preocupaciones será típicamente acerca de las “cosas” – los elementos físicos acumulados en el tiempo a lo largo de un matrimonio y también los elementos no tangibles. Las parejas que están casadas por largos…

Where & How Do I File For Divorce In New York?

People looking to get divorced in New York often have no idea how to do so. Why would they? It’s unlikely something they’ve ever had to deal with. But it is important to understand the various requirements one must meet in order to…

Foreign Divorces: Expanded

It is not uncommon for married couples looking to dissolve of their marriage to seek a divorce in a country other than the United States. There are plenty of reasons why people might look elsewhere for a divorce: The husband or wife might…

Who Gets What In Our Divorce? Marital Property Vs. Separate Property

When a couple decides to get divorced, one of their main concerns will typically be about the “things” – the physical items accumulated over time throughout a marriage, and also the non-tangible items. Couples who are married for long periods of time will…

Validation Of Foreign Divorces In NY

Given the advancements in family law, there is no longer a “one-size-fits-all” solution for divorce. In particular, foreign divorces have become increasingly common given that they can be cheaper and more quickly resolved. Before you jump the gun and pursue a foreign divorce,…

Dating & Divorce: Do Or Don’t?

When you’re in the midst of a divorce, it can feel like walking on eggshells. The delicate balance of preserving the peace while also fighting for what you want is difficult and many adults find themselves looking for an outlet to relieve this…

Four Way Conferences: Do’s And Don’ts When Meeting With Your Ex And Their Attorney

Four Way Conferences: Do’s and Don’ts when Meeting with Your Ex and their Attorney At some point, in a contested divorce or other family matter (such as custody), the majority of litigants in New York can expect to attend what is called a…

Who Gets The Dog? Determining Pet Custody In A New York Divorce

For many people, pets are like family members. For New Yorkers who are separating from a partner or are getting divorced, pets can create a lot of complications. Traditionally, New York courts treated pets like regular property, or chattel. In other words, no…

Prestamos Estudiantiles Y Divorcio: ¿Quién Los Paga?

Nueva York es conocida por ser la meca de las instituciones educativas. Sin embargo, debido a los crecientes costos de la educación, es muy común para muchos neoyorquinos que han tomado ventaja de esas oportunidades tener un deuda de préstamos estudiantiles. De hecho,…



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