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Cuando Su Pareja Oculta Su Dinero: Señales De Alerta Y S.d.i.r.a.

Un problema común en los divorcios en Nueva York que muchas veces resulta en un litigio particularmente largo y brutal es cuando hay una disputa seria sobre cuánto dinero alguien gana. A menudo, luego de que comienza un divorcio, el cónyuge que mantiene…

Quien Paga La Universidad Luego De Un Divorcio? Depende De Cómo Se Establezca

A pesar de que muchos padres pudieran considerar la manutención como una parte importante en un litigio y transacción de divorcio, muchos de ellos se olvidan de lo que muchas veces constituye el mayor gasto respecto de los hijos: El pago de la…

Limite De Manutencion En Divorcios De Gran Patrimonio

La manutención es uno de los puntos más disputados para cualquier pareja en un proceso de divorcio. Ninguno de los padres desea pagar más que el otro, pero ambos quieren asegurarse de que sus hijos tendrán el cuidado y la seguridad económica necesarias.…

The Invalidity Of A Foreign Divorce

While certain states across the U.S. vary when it comes to divorce laws, you can certainly expect different countries to vary. That is why it is so important to ensure that your foreign divorce will be recognized as valid once you return to…

Student Loans And Divorce: Who Pays Them Back?

New York is known for being a mecca of educational institutions. However, due to the rising costs of education, it is extremely common for many New Yorkers who have taken advantage of those opportunities to have student loan debt. In fact, the average…

When Your Spouse Hides Their Money: Red Flags And Raids

A common issue in New York divorces that often results in particularly lengthy and brutal litigation is where there is a serious dispute over how much money someone is earning. Often, after adivorce is commenced, the supporting or monied spouse’s income suddenly takes…

When The Wedding Is Cancelled, Who Gets The Ring?

While divorce is unfortunately all too common among New Yorkers, another issue that does not get discussed nearly as much is the financial impact of weddings that don’t end up taking place. While all for the best in the long run, there can…

When Separate Property Can Become Martial Property In New York

Often a hotly contested issue for divorcing couples, property division can be quite difficult to resolve satisfactorily. New York has specific laws that the court and individual parties are expected to abide by, but that doesn’t mean the outcome is always mutually agreeable.…

Child Support Cap In High Net Worth Divorces

Child support is one of the most contested issues for any divorcing couple. Neither parent wants to pay more than the other, but both want to ensure that their child is well taken care of and provided for. When there is a great…

Divorce And Pension Funds: How To Protect Your Rights

While there are certain issues in divorce litigation that get a lot of attention such as custody, child support, and maintenance, one of the most significant issues, pension rights, is rarely discussed to the same degree. However, in New York, litigant must take…



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